Educational Resources
Chinookan Peoples of the Lower Columbia Robert T. Boyed, Kenneth M. Ames and Tony A Jonson, Editors
Our Tribal office has this book in stock. Softcover $30, hardcover for $55 plus shipping.
Chinook Resilience: Heritage and Cultural Revitalization on the Lower Columbia River by Jon D. Daehnke
Our Tribal office has this book in stock. Softcover $30, special edition hardcover $75 plus shipping.
Cathlapotle…. Catching Times Secrets by Jon Daehnke
If you would like a book, rather than a PDF, our Tribal office has this book in stock. Softcover $5 plus shipping.
Cedar: Tree of Life to the Northwest Coast Indians by Hilary Stewart
While this book is not specific to Chinook it is a good source for learning about why the Cedar tree is so important and all the things it provides.
Books for Children
I Is for Indians, The A-B-Cs of the Chinook People in the lower Columbia River region Our Tribal office has this book in stock. Softcover $15 plus shipping.
The Boston Jane books are children’s historical fiction by Jennifer L. Holm.
Center for Columbia River History channel
Promised Land Documentary Promised Land is an award-winning documentary that follows two tribes in the Pacific Northwest: the Duwamish and the Chinook, as they fight for the restoration of treaty rights they’ve long been denied.
The Cathlapotle Plankhouse is a modern full-scale Chinookan plankhouse that was built based on findings from the archaeological village site of Cathlapotle.
A historical timeline of the Chinookan people on the Lower Columbia, researched and written by history students and professors at Portland State University
Chinook Language
Chinuk Wawa: kakwa nsayka ulman-tilixam laska munk-kemteks nsayka / As Our Elders Teach Us to Speak It a modern dictionary.
If you want to hear and repeat the Chinook language you can download this free app, chinuk wawa, for Andriod or iOS devices.
Watch a chinuk wawa TED Talk by Crystal Starr Szczepanski from the Confererated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Our blog, chxi-wawa, has many history entries and a Q@A section too.