The purpose of committees is to assist the tribal council in the running of the tribe. Each of our committees, like Council, are made up of nine members, these volunteers have a deep commitment to the Chinook Nation. If you are interested in joining a committee contact the committee chair and make arrangements to attend a meeting.
The Process for Committee Appointments are as follows:
- Attended at least three meetings
- Submit an Application for Committee Appointment to the committee you are interested in
- If there is a vacancy on the Committee, members will vote to approve the application
- The committee chairperson will request Tribal Council for approval of full committee membership
- Committee members may be removed for missing three (3) consecutive and unexcused meetings or not working in the best interest of the committee
Committees include: Communications, Culture, Development, Education, Enrollment, Natural Resources & Food Sovereignty, and Social Services. If you have an expertise in any of these areas please consider sharing your knowledge and time with the Chinook Indian Nation.