Council Members
Photos by Amiran White
Chairman, Tony Johnson; Vice-Chair, Sam Robinson; Secretary/Treasurer, Rachel Cushman; Jane Pulliam; Devon Abing; Donovan Wargo; Gary Johnson; Bethany Barnard

Chairman (Position 7) Tony A. Johnson Birthplace: South Bend, Washington
Residence: Willapa Bay, Washington
Family Information: Wife, Mechele, and five children; Mary, Sam, Tahoma, Ferrill and Maybelle.
Family Descendency: Pickernell and Ero families.
Education: Art and Anthropology. University of Washington and Central Washington University
Hobbies: I am driven by the art and lifeways of our ancestors. My family and I devote our time to these traditions. I am a founding member of our canoe family and serve as a skipper with the group. I continue to practice art and to teach language.
Chinook Committee Involvement: Cultural Committee, Enrollment Committee
Year First Elected: 2014
Goals While on the Council: I have had the benefit of many great teachers. These Chinook elders shared experiences, stories, teachings and opinions with me that I want to see carry forward.

Vice-Chairman (Position 1) Sam Robinson
Birthplace: South Bend, Washington
Residence: Vancouver, Washington
Family Information: Wife, Mildred Daughters, Casandra and Rebecca
Family Descendency: Hawks (Huckswelt)
Education: LaCenter High, Clark Collage
Employment: Plant Manager for Calvert Co. Inc and prior to that four years in the U.S. Army
Hobbies: Drumming, Carving and Canoeing. Speaking about the Chinook Indian Nation. Being a Chupi (Grandpa) and helping share the Chinook ways with my Granddaughter Destany.
Committee Involvement: Alvina Frisbie Scholarship Board
Year first elected: 2001
Goals while on the Council: Obtaining Chinook restoration. Making sure we keep the doors open at our tribal office. Obtaining social services for our tribal members. Educating and getting support from the public for the Chinook Indian Nations we move ahead.
Additional Personal Information: On the board for the Friends of the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge.
Serving on the Cathlapotle Plankhouse Committee.
Serving on the board for the Chinook Web-site in partnership with the Center for Columbia River History.
Working with the Title Seven Program (Battle Ground,Evergreen,Vancouver and Camas School Dist.)

Secretary/Treasurer (Position 4) Rachel L Cushman
Birthplace: Milwaukie, Oregon
Residence: Eugene, Oregon
Family Information: Granddaughter of Judith Lytsell-McBride(deceased); Great-Grandniece to Janet King-McBride(deceased), Daughter of Doris Cushman; Mother to Kanim and Isik
Family Descendency: Washington/Wasilta (Clatsop Indian Chief and signer of the 1851 Treaties), Telzan (Tillamook and Clatsop), Nestucker (Salmon River woman), Celistum (Willapa), and Tolquist (Chehalis)
Year of Election: 2017
Hobbies: Paddling, Singing, Dancing, Weaving, Sewing, Beading, Cooking, and Quill Work
Goals While on Council: I believe that transparency with membership is vital for the success of Chinook Indian Nation. It is my goal to connect tribal members living outside of the Pacific County area with the Pacific County community. Our people descend from 5 Chinookan speaking Tribes. We are people of both Washington and Oregon. We are canoe travelers. Our people traditionally traveled the coast line and the rivers. Many of our members live throughout the Columbia River Watershed, as is traditional and I would like them to feel like they are welcome to participate. A goal of mine, as is a goal of all council members, is clarification of our federal status. We need this to ensure our inherited rights are upheld by the federal government.
Councilman (Position 2)

Councilwoman (Position 3) Jane Pulliam
Birthplace: Puyallup, Washington
Residence: Bay Center, Washington
Family Information: married to Ron Pulliam.
Family Descendency: Pickernell
Year of Election: 2012
Education: Art History, Western Washington University: life-long learner, School of Hard Knocks
Employment: Self-employed graphic and web designer. My husband started the business, Nautilus Design, in 1985 and I came on board in 1994. I love my work!
Hobbies: Canning from our garden and gathered berries. Crafting with the craft group in Bay Center but quilting is my favorite.
Committees: Culture, Communications and Enrollment committees.
Goals While on Council: I want to get more tribal members involved with the tribe. I’ve been reaching out to people, inviting them to events and encouraging them to volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to get to know other tribal members. I can say from first-hand experience that it has made my life fuller and richer. I have also been working to encourage our committees to grow, and work hand-in-hand with the council. Finally, I’d also like to see a strong Development Committee in place to ensure our financial future.

Councilman (Position 5) Devon Abing
Birthplace: Astoria, Oregon
Residence: Astoria, Oregon
Family Information:
Family Descendency:
Year of Election:
Goals While on Council:

Councilman (Position 6) Donovan S Wargo
Residence: Willapa Bay, Washington
Family Information: Son of Steven Wargo and Lorna Wargo, brothers: Jackson and Blake.
Family Descendency: Pickernell
Education: BAS in Forest Resource Management, Grays Harbor College
Employment Information: Conservation Forester, for the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe, managing their timberlands, as well as working with wildlife, fisheries, and invasive species.
Hobbies: Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, mountain biking, gathering, hiking, canoeing, pretty much anything that gets me outdoors. Being a CIN Fish Cooker, poetry and Civil War living history.
Chinook Committee Involvement:
Natural Resources and Food Sovereignty
First Year Elected: 2021
Goals While on Council: With the Ultimate goal of restoration of federal recognition and healthcare. I want to help educate our tribal members in natural resources/ethnobotany, create more opportunities for the elders and youth involved in learning cultures and traditions that can be carried on for the next seven generations. To make sure that the Chinookan territories are represented in Natural Resources/Fisheries in creating and maintaining a sustainable environment and economy.

Councilman (Position 8) Gary Johnson
Birthplace: South Bend, Washington Residence: South Bend, Washington
Family Information: Wife: Cristy, Son: K.C. Johnson, wife Kristeen, children, Elizabeth & A.J. Son: Tony, wife Mechelle, children, Mary, Sam, Tahoma, Ferrill, & Maybelle
Family Descendency: Pickernell / Ero (Herioux)
Education: MA Education
Employment: Retired. 41 years Educational Counselor & Football/Basketball coaching. South Bend/Bay Center Indian Education Director
Hobbies: Gardening, Sports,& Paddle making
Chinook Committee Involvement: Culture Committee since 1994
Year First Elected: 1971
Goals While on the Council: Unity, Tribal recognition, Tribal Financial security, Building a stronger Tribal community, & Cultural Education
Additional Personal Information: Canoe Family Member

Councilwoman (Position 9) Bethany Barnard
Family Descendency:
Year of Election: 2021
My Goal: