Frequently Asked Questions
How do you pronounce “Chinook”?
The CH in Chinook is pronounced like the CH in church, chickadee or child.
Are the Clatsop part of the Chinook Indian Nation? YES. If you are Clatsop, this is your place. Hundreds of Clatsop have been enrolled with the Chinook Nation for generations. The Chinook Nation has always protected and fought for the rights of our Clatsop people. Docket 234, from the Indian Claims Commission, also defines Clatsop as part of the Chinook Nation.
Historically, where were the people of the Chinook Nation living?
The Chinook Indian Nation is comprised of the 5 westrnmost groups of Chinookan peoples. Roughly, from Tillamook Head on the Oregon coast and North to Willapa Bay in Washington AND East to about Oak Point. (map)
Can enrolled members get medical/dental services at other tribal clinics? Since the Chinook Indian Nation is not Federally recognized it is up to each individual tribal clinic if they will honor Chinook members. You must call that tribe’s Contract Health Department and inquire. The Chinook Nation does not have a contract health department.
Do enrolled members have fishing/hunting rights? No, the Chinook Indian Nation is not Federally recognized.
Does the Chinook Indian Nation have a casino? No the Chinook Tribe does not have a casino! The Chinook Winds Casino is owned by the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians who are not historically related to the Chinookan people.
Where can I get information and an application for an Alvina Frisbie Scholarship?
Go to Alvina Frisbie Scholarship page in the members section of this website.
How can I request speakers, drummers, dancers, translation help or other cultural information?
Was Ambassador Chris Stevens Chinook?
Yes, and we mourn the loss of the Ambassador.
Robert (or Robin) Taylor is not a Tribal member and does not represent the Chinook Indian Nation.
Is there a Chinook Language Dictionary Available?
Yes, and a very good one! Chinuk Wawa As Our Elders Teach Us to Speak It Purchase Chinuk Wawa As Our Elders Teach Us to Speak It online.
Is there a Chinook history book Available?
Yes! Chinookan Peoples of the Lower Columbia Purchase Chinookan Peoples of the Lower Columbia online.
Did the Chinook People carve totem poles?
No, Chinook people did not carve totem poles. Totem poles were carved by Northwest Coast Indigenous peoples from modern day British Columbia and Alaska.
What if I have a question not addressed here ?
Visit our blog, chxi wawa, and search the Q&A section.