Days left to volunteer and submit your application


How to Fulfill Your Frisbie Volunteer Hours​

Students must submit the current academic year application form.

Download the current application

Overview: Frisbie Scholarship applicants are required to submit documentation of a minimum of twenty (20) hours of volunteer service to the Chinook Indian Nation within the past year. This means if you are applying for a 2025/2026 school year scholarship you must have volunteered between April, 6 2024 and April 5, 2025.

The tribe expects students to have some knowledge of our tribal history, culture, and struggles for survival. The Chinook Indian Nation (CIN) survives because of the hard work of our volunteer members. Students will find a wide range of activities to meet this twenty-hour minimum requirement. You may write a paper or news article, give a speech, stand up for #ChinookJustice, work at tribal events and fund raisers, attend and help at meetings, or volunteer to help at the tribal office, or have your own volunteer plan pre-approved. Email your plan to the Frisbie Scholarship Board on or before February 15th.

Sign-up for Tribal email to learn about all volunteer opportunities.

Here are some ideas that may help you more easily meet this requirement. Keep in mind that more importance is placed on in-person volunteer hours. Contact the tribal office (360- 875-6670) or ask who is in charge at a tribal event. Remember that the Frisbie Scholarship Committee wants to help you to be successful. We also want to know you!

(1) Volunteer at the First Salmon Ceremony (the Friday before the Annual Meeting, the third Friday in June)

(A) Plan to stay after the event and help with the clean up.
(B) Assist elders and serve them in a variety of ways.
(C) Volunteer to help at the sign in table.
(D) Help with the Ceremony preparation of Salmon and Water.
(E) Help with loading the Canoe, tribal trailer, tables, etc.

(2) Volunteer at the Chinook Annual Meeting. (the day after First Salmon, the third Saturday in June)

(A) Plan to stay after the event and help with the clean up.
(B) Serve and help elders who need assistance with drinks, food, etc.
(C) Help with cleanup of the kitchen and meeting room, etc.

(3) Participate and lend a hand at other tribal events:

Canoe Journey (late July) participation not yet confirmed for 2026,
Winter Gathering (3rd Saturday in January)
Story Gathering (2nd Saturday in March)

(4) Volunteer at tribal fund raisers:

Pacific County Fair (4 days in August) not yet confirmed for 2026
Bay Center Days (Late summer) not yet confirmed for 2026

(5) Attend and Volunteer at Tribal meetings. Watch your email for meeting notices

(6) Volunteer and participate in Parades and other events.

 Watch your email for notices

(7) Tribal office volunteering:

All work must be prearranged with our Office Manager and be agreed to by both parties.

a. Clerical duties
b. Cleaning/organizing
c. Annual Meeting prep in late May and early June
d. Special projects

(8) Independent Projects: Students are encouraged to be flexible and creative in promoting the Chinook Indian Nation. You are required to submit any independent project plan to the Frisbie Board for pre-approval. Unapproved plans may not not be accepted as proof of volunteer work. and support in developing a documentation plan and approval. Plans are due by February 15th. We are excited to hear about independent projects.

a. Remote possibilities

i. Consider giving a speech about your tribe, writing a class paper, or write a newspaper article or Letter to the Editor. Consider Chinookan art projects.

ii. Write petitions or letters of support to state and federal representatives for Chinook federal recognition.Visit for more information.

iii. Our chairman has taught a course on Chinook language, history and culture during the Summer of 2020. The videos are accessible on the member portion of our website. Consider watching these videos, and/or reading books or other information about the tribe. Note that these videos themselves are not to be shown outside of tribal membership. Email for access to the member section of the Chinook website.

iv. Our tribal committees often have volunteer needs. Consider volunteering with a committee. To do so, please contact the committee chair. You can find this information on our website.

Your Application is due April 5th

If you want to take advantage of this scholarship, you must find a way to do volunteer work for your tribe.

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